Tuesday, April 26, 2011

OSD offers The Class. Registration now open!

As many of our readers know, OSD hosts a weekly Internet-based sneaker talk show that covers sneaker news all the while allowing listeners and callers to interact with other sneakerheads in the live chat room as the live show is taking place. As you may also know, it's pretty hectic and quite entertaining!

Now they're taking it to the next level, jumping off the computer and into the classroom! It's called The Class: Sneakers, their impact on lifestyles, culture and people of the 21st century.

From what I'm hearing, it's gonna blow your mind. It will be 8 weeks long, starting June 5th and running on Saturdays from 5:30-7pm. It will be offered in an as-yet-unnamed location in Times Square. Cost $300, covers all materials. To apply or learn more, click on osdlive.com.

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