Friday, September 11, 2009

FSF Insiders' Look at Nike Design

FSF recently went inside Nike to interview 8 amazing women who design everything from men's soccer cleats to Maria Sharapova's most famous tennis dress, from sneaker "Openings" to flywire... We came out with loads of stories, pictures and tips for our readers. Check them out:

Want to Design for Nike?: Tips to get you there from women who know!
Goddess of Victory: An insiders' look at women and Nike today.
Something Old, Something New: Nike design moves forward while staying connected to its roots.

(And in case you think I never dress up, here's me and Maria's dress!)


Vibrant1 said...

I like this! Very inspirational! I need to change my major NOW!! lol and follow my love of shoes!! I appreciate this :)

Bee$ and Ape$ said...